Celebrating Horses’ Birthday!

Horses birthday

Celebrating Horses’ Birthday!

Did you know that all horses in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate their ‘birthday’ on the 1 August? Whilst they may not actually be born on this date, their birthday is standardised for comparison due to a historical lack of records of the actual birth date.

The reason for this date is that the weather at the start of September is beginning to warm up, encouraging mares to come into season. As most foals are born eleven months later, this means that many foals are born at the start of August. This differs in the Northern Hemisphere where warmer weather begins around December, which is why horses birthdays are celebrated on 1 January.

In celebration, we have a number of our products on special. Customers will be able to buy our 20kg and 40kg T&R Pony Cubes and T&R Pony Maintenance Cubes for 15% off from the 1 August 2017 until the 31 August 2017.

Thompson and Redwood Pony CubesThompson and Redwood Pony Maintenance Cubes

We also have the Equine Pure horse treat range available for 40% off for the same date range.

Equine Pure Horse Treats

Happy birthday to all the horses and ponies out there!

Joanne Wallace
  • Campbell Horsfall
    Posted at 05:10h, 28 July Reply

    Hi Just wondering if I could use that lovely picture of the horse’s birthay on my website and facebook posting this Saturday.

    Kind Regards


    • Ally Doumany
      Posted at 04:03h, 29 July Reply

      Hi Campbell, you are welcome to use the picture, if you could just credit us in your caption please.
      Thank you

  • Sally Beirne
    Posted at 23:09h, 28 July Reply

    Wow I’m glad I did a Google search on the horses birthday August 1st because know now to buy t&r Pony cubes on special thanks Thompson and Redwood

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