27 Apr NEW PRODUCT! Introducing Chick Starter & Grower Crumbles 20kg
Posted at 05:04h
in Chickens & Poultry, Company News, Product News
by Thompson and Redwood
We’re excited to announce a new product that will be hitting your local Western Australian stockists shelves soon, Chick Starter & Grower Crumbles 20kg!
This high protein feed will be suitable for both chicks and pullets, from Day 1 to 15 weeks of age, providing them with the nutritional support they need for growth, development and preparation for laying. It will be replacing our Chick Starter Crumbles and eventually replacing our Pullet Grower Crumbles.
Where to buy:
Chick Starter & Grower Crumbles is only available in 20kg bags in Western Australia.
Click here to find your local WA stockist
Chick Starter & Grower Crumbles are available in 5kg bags exclusively through PETstock stores on the East Coast. Find your local East Coast stockist at PETstock.com.au
*Please note this is not a medicated product. Due to manufacturing a range of products for different animals, we do not add medications to our feeds. Medications added to feeds often do not prevent coccidiosis entirely. The risk of Coccidiosis can be managed through hygiene and health practices, but if you are a large-producer and worried about it, there are a number of prevention options on the market.
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